Volvo India putting a lid on the speculations, has officially announced the launch of the new V40 crossover in India by 2013. The Swedish Auto major has four models in its Indian portfolio Volvo S60, Volvo S80, Volvo XC60 and Volvo XC90 at present. With the forthcoming Volvo V40 crossover the company is going to amplify its position and get a stronger hold on the Indian market and will turn the heat on the BMW X1 and Mercedes B-class, the top position runners of the crossover segment .
The crossover is spawned on the newfangled five-door V40 hatchback, however the modish V40 crossover is cosmetically altered to get a more sporty and agile looks. An all new front grille, bumpers, side sills, rear skid plate and daytime running lights. With a ground clearance of 173mm Volvo V40 crossover sits tall on alloy style body kits which enhances the rugged looks of the car.
Indian shores is likely to the 2.0-litre D3 diesel motor under the hoods of the V40 crossover. The six speed AT gearbox mated to the 2L engine honks 163bhp power to give you a speedy drive. What’s more attractive is the unique amalgamation of a class appealing body style of the crossover which will not go amiss when you drive in the city, can fulfill your crave for the rough terrain drive as well.
Apparently its just the launch date which is out in the open, the price tag and the specifications are all speculated. However as per the auto analyst the Volvo V40 crossover is likely to be tagged at a price of Rs. 30 lakh and is likely to lure the elite class with its next-gen attributes.
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